Samstag, 20. Juni 2020

Fundsachen (39): Caius Văleanu, Berlin 1941

Meine Großeltern Ion „Ionel“ und Angela „Maia“ Dragu 1941 mit meiner Mutter Rica in Berlin auf der Rückreise von Rumänien nach Vichy, Frankreich.  Neben ihnen Caius Văleanu, der erste Sekretär der rumänischen Botschaft in Berlin. (Vorname? Handelt es sich um Ion Văleanu, zuvor 1936 secretarului de legaţie de la Legaţia României de la Atena, also wie mein Großvater früher in Athen? Oder um Caius Văleanu? Oder einen anderen Văleanu?)

„Valeanu, First Secretary of the Romanian Embassy in Berlin, 1942?
First Secretary Valeanu protested the proposed deportations of the Jews from Romania. Valeanu presented to the German Foreign Ministry a paper stating that Romanians would not permit discrimination against Romanian Jews.“
[Browning, Christopher R. The Final Solution and the German Foreign Office: A Study of Referat D III of Abteilung Deutschland 1940-43. (New York: Holmes & Meier Publishers, 1978), pp. 103-104.] via Rescue in the Holocaust/ Rescue in the Holocaust by diplomats

„Memorandum of KLINGENFUSS on his discussion with the First Secretary of the Rumanian Embassy, VALEANU, concerning disagreements about the treatment of Rumanian Jews in Germany.“
Document number NG2355, The Wiener Holocaust Library

„In a July 1942 meeting in Berlin with Counselor Valeanu, Kligenfuss, a German Foreign Office official, asserted that Ion Antonescu “had agreed with Ambassador Killinger that Romanian citizens of Jewish ancestry in Germany and the occupied territories should be treated in the same fashion as German Jews.“ (sic!)
Ion Calafeteanu: „Regimul…”, p. 131/132 (via Final Report of theInternational Commission on the Holocaust in RomaniaPresented to Romanian President Ion Iliescu, November 11, 2004, Bucharest, Romania, page 82/83).

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