Kaltakquise des Rekrutierungsteams von Google, die der Empfänger an seine öffentlich nicht kommunizierte Privatmailadresse erhalten hat:
„My name is Bianca Medina and I am a Recruiter for the Google.com Engineering team. I found you on the Internet and I am interested to know more about your past work experience and openness to new opportunities. We currently have positions available at Google that may be a good match for you. I am looking for engineers with very strong coding skills in C, C++, Java software engineering, system administration knowledge, and networking skills. I am hoping you could help me.
I hope you are not bothered by my networking attempt.
Thank you and hope to hear from you soon.
P.S. If this is not a good time or if you are not interested, please
reply and let me know. I will update our database and you will not be
contacted again in the future.“
Auch ein Weg, seinen Datenbestand zu nutzen...
Update: Die Linux Mailing List aktuell dazu.
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